Enter Domain Name or IP address  


WHOIS LOOKUP displays registration and other publically available details for any DOMAIN NAME or IP address. The information diaplayed is returmed from querying the public databases of the relevant Governing or Registration Body for the particular domain or IP requested.

WHOIS Lookup

Now it easy! Our WHOIS LOOKUP tool handles all TLD's so you can check any domain in one handy location.

Simply enter the domain name (without the WWW) in the search box above and click Lookup, results will display below.

DNS Tools: 

DNS Lookup

  • Displays a domains Nameservers
  • Displays the IP address for a domain
  • Shows a domain's MX (mail) records

DNS Verification

  • Checks and Verifies a domain's DNS records
  • Diagnose DNS problems
  • Test a domain's MX records and mail servers

IP Tools: 

What's my IP Address

  • Shows the IP address that you're currently using to access the internet.
  • Perform a Reverse IP Lookup on your IP address
  • Provides links to some commom Spam or Blocking lists

Reverse IP Lookup

  • Check who an IP address is assigned to
  • View the IP records
  • Check the location of an IP address